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Ingame Rules

1) Flame, Disrespect, Harassment and Inappropriate Content
This is a mature server and jokes are welcome, but do not flame, disrespect, harass or post/say inappropriate content. There is a fine line between having "banter" with players as soon as it falls under this rule, it is not banter.

2) Spamming
Spamming is sending the same or multiple messages over and over. If you spam you will be warned to stop and if you don't stop you will be punished.

3) Advertising
Advertising other servers no matter how big or small is not allowed. You are free to post links to YouTube, Imgur, Reddit, Facebook or whatever else but do not advertise other servers in any way, shape or form

4) Hacking
Using hacked clients, X-ray mods, X-ray texture packs, bugs, glitches, exploits or mods that alter your Vanilla experience or anything else that is considered hacking is strictly prohibited. This rule is taken very seriously and you will be banned straight away for breaking this rule.

5) No Base Raiding
Raiding bases is not allowed under any circumstances. It doesn't matter if the player is banned or hasn't logged on in a year. You are only to raid a base when you are given written permission by Admin or the owner of the base.

6) No Griefing
Players on MadMen have spent countless hours building, gathering supplies and working together. If you take items or destroy another persons property without their permission it is considered griefing. This includes public farms

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